Translation request Death 1890
dans Social Groups
Death record #67, Scan 85
1890 Dabie Evang.
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 67, Scan No. 85 of 100, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Wilhelmina Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), born Tide (Thiede?), who died in Dabie on the 17th June 1890, death reported on the 19th June 1890, she lived 67 years, she was born in Prussia, daughter of Karol and Rozalia, born Grüning, already deceased. At death she left widowed husband, Bogumil Ziegler (Cigler), 57 years old, a clothier in Dabie, and two daughters from her first marriage with Steinke. Death reported by Bogumil Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), husband of the deceased, and Julius Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), 52 years old, both clothiers from Dabie.