Where did Robert P. Swierenga get the information for the index he created?

Thank you for any help that can be offered,
Here is my FamilySearch source citation:
Robert P. Swierenga, “Dutch Emigration Records, 1847-1877” A Computer Alphabetical Listing of Heads of Household and Independent Persons (Kent University : 1973), unpaginated, alphabetical, VANDENBOOGAARD ADRIAN, imaged book, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS8G-F7WG-Y : accessed 22 January 2024), image 315. Codes explanations begin on image 7.
The information from the index says:
"This is a coded computer listing of all emigrants from the Netherlands in the years 1847-1877, arranged alphabetically by family name, as contained in the official Dutch records, “Staat der Landverhuizers Naar Noord-Amerika of Andere Overzeesche Gewesten”, located in the Algemeen Ryksarchief in the Hague. Both microfilmed and xerox-printed copies of the original emigration records are available in the Colonial Origins collection, Heritage Hall, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49506."
I contacted the archivist at Calvin College and she says the only originals they have are transcribed typed records. Where can I find the originals for this index? What exactly is the original? Is it a government emigration record? Could there be more, maybe ship records? So far, my Adriaan van den Boogaard doesn't appear in any U.S. emigration records. He was from Oud-Vossemeer, Zeeland. He settled in Michigan with two daughters after loosing two wives in childbirth and ten children to young or infant deaths.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are multiple locations these files are kept,some made availiable to public, some made availiable via website (mostly requires an account and login/ , and not always in English availiable,also sometimes the info is only to grab for historians and students) But you could try this one that has many of these records.Try to translate the page or set default there to english.
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Open archives has him, born in 5 April, 1794 Oud _Vossemeer. ; feel free o use openarch freely /public service!
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Thank you Adrien Kintziger,
My Adriaan, born in 1827, is a child to the Adrian, you found born on 5 April 1794. However, I know how to access those records and already have them.
I don't know how to access the immigration records. Where might those be kept? And what are they?
Peggy Ash
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This is where the document currently is, but it is not made availiable to the public.
https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/index/nt00254/8fbb2c72-c442-102d-a078-0050569c51dd; Most of the archives are kept there.I took a quick view on the page,and for most part many pieces are not availiable for viewing (the ones you like among them) and they give two main reasons for that.The first is that the piece can be a topnotch-piece,the second reason, some are damaged or prone to damage.That sort of files can only be requested at the desk itself , locally. Not even researchers have the possibility to 'reserve a piece'.
The site has, for that reason,indexed alphabetically a big part of what is availiable to them.The link is on the site=>, try to feed the name to the prompt,....
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Tried it myself, no show, he is in the indexed part,but only with reference to the same file...
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They have the adres on their site, and in the header-line, you can set 'Nederlands' to default English..It is located in The Hague. (Den Haag)
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Thank you very much for your help! I found Adriaan in the index.
They have "adres" on their site? Sorry, can you clarify?
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Yes, said earlier on that you should like to know where these files are kept,and the link about Nationaalarchief has the location and adres where these things are stored.They also have a 'contact us', possibility on that site.
Most people in the Netherland master English very well,so you can write to them in English if you like.