Translation Request - Birth Record - Stephanus Czachor - 1846
Please help with the translation of this birth record. I can only ake out fragments of the GodParents. Thank you, I appreciate it. Mattie
Birth record no. 1, Przewrotne Parish, Kłapówka, house no. 144, dated 2nd January 1846, Baptism 3rd January 1846, Stephanus (Stefan in Polish) Czachor, Roman Catholic, legitimate son of Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, farmer and Catherina (Katarzyna in Polish) of Adamo (Adam in Polish) born Smyrski. Godparents: ? cus , ? Czachor, ?, Antonii ? ? farmer.
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Przewrotnem
Reference code 56/2308/0
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu
Liber natorum, copulatorum et mortuorum ex pagis Gwizdów, Hucisko, Kłapówka ab anno 1823 ad annum 1850, tom III
Reference code 56/2308/0/-/6
Dates 1823 - 1850, 1858 - 1858
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Przewrotnem
Meilleures réponses
Birth record no. 1, Przewrotne Parish, Kłapówka, of Stephanus (Stefan in Polish) Czachor, House no. 144, born on the 3rd January 1846, baptized on the 3rd January 1846, a Roman Catholic, legitimate son of Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, a farmer, and of Catharina (Katarzyna in Polish), born Smyrski, daughter of Adamus (Adam in Polish) Smyrski. Godparents: Matheus (Mateusz in Polish) Czachor from Werynia, and Rosalia, wife of Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Godek from Widelka, farmers.
Please note that the birth date and baptismal date look identical, and in previous birth records of this family the infant was born and baptized on the same day. So even though it was indexed as birth dated 2nd January, it is more likely birth and baptism happened on the 3rd January.
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Thanks very much for the helpful notes and translation. I appreciate it. Mattie