Translation Request - Birth Record Agnes Czachor- 1842

Please help with the translation of this stylized birth record. I am not certain what I am missing but there are words I cannot determine. Thank you. I appreciate it. Mattie
Birth Record no. 1, House no. 144, Kłapówka Parish, dated 4th January 1842, Agnes (Agnieszka in Polish) Czachor, baptism 5th January 1842, Roman Catholic, legitimate daughter of Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, farmer and Catherina (Katarzyna in Polish) of Adamo (Adam in Polish) born Smyrski. Witnesses Stainslaus (Stanisław in Polish) Bieden, Agnes (Agnieszka in Polish) Czechor, farmers, ?.
Meilleures réponses
Birth Record no. 1, Przewrotne Parish, Kłapówka, House No. 144, of Agnes (Agnieszka in Polish) Czachor, born on the 4th January 1842, baptized on the 5th January 1842, a Roman Catholic, legitimate daughter of Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, a farmer, and of Catherina (Katarzyna in Polish), born Smyrska, daughter of Adamus (Adam in Polish) Smyrski. Godparents: Stanislaus (Stanisław in Polish) Bielin, and Agnes (Agnieszka in Polish) Czechor, local residents.
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Dear Maria,
Many thanks. I so appreciate it.