Translation Request - Marriage Record Franciscus Czacho and Catharina Smyrska 1841
Please help with this stylized marriage record of Franciscus Czachor and Catharina Smyrska. Below is what I think some of it translates to. I appreciate any insights. Thank you, Mattie.
Przewrotne Parish, Marriage record no. 2, house no. 125 [something 144], dated 7 February 1841, Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, age 21, Roman Catholic legitimate son of Antonius (Antoni) Czachor, and Margaret (Małgorzata in Polish) born Pytlak ? ?; and a maiden, Catharina (Katarzyna in Polish) Smyrska, age 22, Roman Catholic, legitimate daughter of Adami (Adam in Polish) and Marianna born Ploch ? ? . Witnesses: I cannot make out the names ? ?.
Place is Klapowka
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Good work, Mattie.
Marriage Record No. 2, Przewrotne Parish, dated 7th February 1841, of Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Czachor, House No.125, a Roman Catholic, 21 years old, legitimate son of Antonius (Antoni) Czachor, and of Margaret (Małgorzata) born Pytlak, legally married, and of a maiden, Catharina (Katarzyna in Polish) Smyrska, House No. 144, a Roman Catholic, 23 years old, legitimate daughter of Adamus (Adam) Smyrski, and of Marianna, born Ploch. Witnesses: Stanislaus (Stanislaw) Biden, from Klapowka, and Mathias (Maciej) Czachor from Werynia. Note on this marriage record: We give permission for the marriage of Franciszek and Katarzyna. Antoni Czachor, father, and Adam Smyrski, father.
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Thank you, I appreciate it. Mattie