Translation Request for Polish Marriage Record
I found this marriage record for my 3rd-great grandparents on Geneteka. The names are transcribed as Melchior Kacper Kaska (other surname Kasiński) and Maryanna Kozioł. They were married on 22 Oct 1844 in Żdanów (parish Kleczanów). Could you please translate this record for me? I’m especially interested in why the groom has two surnames. I can see the word "alias" underlined a couple of times in the record. I am descended from one of their sons, who was born with the name Kasiński. I've never seen the name Kaska before.
It is record #4. Thank you so much!
Meilleure réponse
When you enter e.g. a popular Polish name like Wisniewski in Geneteka search of swietokrzyskie region or any other region, years 1700-1800, you will get a number of entries ending with -ski, with some variations.
Marriage Record No. 4, Kleczanow Parish, dated the 22nd October 1844, of Melchior Kacper Kaska or Kasinski, a young man, Catholic, an overseer in Lisowo manor, he is 26 years old, son of Wincenty, already deceased and living Krystyna, born Dudek, married couple Kaska or Kasinski, he was born in village Lisow, Parish Malice Koscielne, and there living, and of a maiden, Maryanna Koziol, 16 years old daughter of Jan and of his deceased wife, Anna, born Skorupa, married couple Koziol, she was born in Zdanow and lives with her father. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Malice Koscielne Parish and in Kleczanow Parish. No impediment was detected. The newly marrieds state that they have not entered into a prenuptial agreement. Witnesses: Wojciech Koziol, a farmer, 40 years old, and Tomasz Lociak, a laborer in the manor, 30 years old.
If you check for Kaska birth entries in Malice Koscielne Parish you will find about 18 births of Kaska children in the small village Lisow (currently 165 residents), Malice Koscielne Parish, during the period of about 10 years. It is possible that to differentiate between various families in Lisow, Wincenty Kaska started using the surname as Kasinski (adjective of Kaska), but to clarify, both he and his son stated that they used before surname as Kaska and later as Kasinski.
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Here is both the translation and the transcription of the record. In regard to the alias name, I believe it is saying that Melchior's surname has been know to be spelled as both Kaska and Kasiński. I wish I knew more about why exactly there would be two surnames, so I hope someone who knows more will chime in :)
It happened in the village of Kleczanowie on the 22nd day of October year one thousand eight hundred fourty four at 2:00 in the afternoon - we do this in the presence of the witnesses Wojciecha Kozła a farmer age 40 and Tomasz Lesiaka a manor farmhand age 30 years old both residing in the village of Żdanow. - On the day today has been conducted the Religious Marriage, between Melchior Kacper of two names Kaska also known as Kasiński, Catholic, bachelor, field keeper in the village of Lisowie in the manor house, age 26 years old, son of the deceased Wincenty and the living Krystyny nee Dutka married Kaska also known as Kasiński, born and living in the village of Lisów Parish Malice Koscielne under the first number - and the maiden Maryanna daughter of the living Jan and the deceased Anna nee Skorupów married Kozłow who died here in Żdanów, age 16 years old, born and residing with her father in the village of Żdanów, The marriage was preceded by 3 marriage banns on the 6th, 13th, and 20th of October of the same year in the parishes of Malice Koscielne and Kleczanów, and also the present father of the bride declared oral consent to the Marriage act, no obstructions to the marriage occurred. The new spouses declare that they did not conclude a pre-wedding agreement before the wedding - This act was read to witnesses and those present, even though they cannot write, and was signed only by us.
Działo się w Wsi Kleczanowie dnia dwudziestego drugiego Pazdziernika tysiąc osmset czterdziestego czwartego roku
o godzinie dwunastej w południe - Wiadomo czyniemy że w przytomności swiadków Wojciecha Kozła Zagrodni,
ka lat czterdzieści i Tomasza Lesiaka Parobka Dworskiego lat trzydzieści liczących obydwoch w Wsi Żdano=
wie zamięszkałych - Na dniu dzisieyszym zawarte zostało Religijnie Małżeństwo, między Melchiorem Ka,,
cprem dwoch Jmion Kaskiem alias Kasińskiem, katolikiem, Młodzianim, na Karbowego w Wsi Lisowie we
dworze służącym, lat dwadzieścia sześć liczącym, synom Wincentego zmarłego i żyjącej Krystyny z Dutków małżon,
ków Kaskow alias Kasińskich w Wsi Lisowie Parafii Malice Koscielne urodzonym i tam pod Numerem
pierwszym zamięszkałym - a panną Maryanna Corką żyjącego Jana i zmarłej tu w Żdanowie Anny z Sko,,
rupów Małżonków Kozłow, lat szesnaście skończonych maiącą, w Wsi Żdanowie urodzoną i przy Ojcu zamię-
szkały, Małzeństwo to poprzedziły trzy Zapowiedzie w dniach szostym trzynastym i dwudziestym Paz-
dziernika roku bieżącego tak w Parafii Malice Koscielne jako i Kleczanów, także zezwolenie ustne obecne
go tu Aktowi Małżeństwa Ojca Nowo zaslubionej było oswiadczone, Tamowanie Małzeństwa nie zaszło. Mał=
żenkowie nowi oswiadczaią iż nie zawarli Umowy przed slubney - Akt ten stawaiącym i swiadkow przeczy,
tany, bez gdy pisać nie umieią, przez Nas tylko podpisany został.
Good luck with your research!
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@Eppich Maria @katerinalucicsanders1
Thank you so much for the transcriptions and translations. It's an interesting theory about why the surname was changed. I have never seen that happen before. Does that mean that all "-ski" names are the adjective form of another name?
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Thanks again, @Eppich Maria !
I had noticed differences in some of the surnames I'm looking for in Geneteka, but I wasn't sure why I was getting them. I guess it's telling us that those surnames are actually variations of the same name.