Translation request death Leokadia Ziegler, Parents Wilhelm/Wilhelmina Reich
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Death 1872, Leokadia Ziegler, Dabie Evang. Scan 246, Certificate 124
Sorry, the first one I sent didn't have the link.
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 124, Scan 246 of 264, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Leokadia Ziegler (written in Russian as Cigler), who died in Dabie on the 19th October 1872, death reported on the 20th October 1872, she lived 2 months, daughter of Wilhelm Ziegler (written in Russian as Cigler), 46 years old, and of his wife, Wilhelmina, born Reich. She lived with her parents. Death reported by Wilhelm Ziegler, father of the deceased, and Gustav Reich, 40 years old, a clothier from Dabie. Signatures of Wilhelm Ziegler and G. Reich.