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Number 15. Dated in Belső-Bőcs, 10 March 1902.
Informant: Dániel Homolya, farmer, residence Belső-Bőcs, whom the below-written registrar knows personally.
Father: János Ducsai, Reformed, farmer, residence America, birthplace Csanálos, age 26 years.
Mother: Mrs. János Ducsai born Eszter Homolya, Reformed, residence and birthplace Belső-Bőcs, age 18 years.
Birth: Belső-Bőcs, 7 March 1902, 5 a.m.
Child: girl, Reformed, Eszter.
Remark: Daniel Homolya puts forth that he was entrusted with making the report by the father, who is primarily responsible for making it but is away; and that he has direct knowledge of the birth.
Addendum 1/1977.
Belső- is "inner". (Külső- is "outer".)
_Evangelikus református_ is a denomination designation invented just to confuse genealogists. :-) It certainly succeeded on FS: the waypoints for the Slovakia Church Books have it separately, even though it is just another way to label református "Reformed". Other ways to label it include "Calvinist" and "Helvetic Confession". It is not to be confused with evangélikus, which is the usual modern designation for Lutheran. (In the civil registers, "Lutheran" is almost always labeled with some abbreviation of ágostai hitvallású evangelikus "Augsburg Confession Evangelical".)
(Fun fact: the designation is actually a mistaken expansion of the abbreviation "ev. ref." The correct expansion is evangélium szerint reformált "reformed according to the Gospel".)
U.B. is utólagos bejegyzés "later/post-dated/delayed entry", i.e. "addendum", and it refers to the separate addendum-booklets that registrars were supposed to fill out when they were notified of changes or corrections to vital entries. Given the date (1977), this one is most likely the principal's (i.e. the child's) death, and shows that she most likely did not follow her father to North America.
(The addendum-booklets were for the most part not filmed/digitized, but there are some to be found in the civil register images for places now in Burgenland, Austria. For example:
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thanks, very very helpful!!!!!