Translation request death Wilhelm Ziegler 1914 wife Reich
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Wilhelm Ziegler death 1914 Dabie Evang, Scan 68, Certificate 64
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 64, Scan No. 68 of 74, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Wilhelm Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), who died in Dabie on the 1st October 1914, death reported on the 1st October 1914, he lived 88 years, a clothier, he was born in Dabie, son of deceased Jan Bogumil (Johann Gottlieb in German) and of Anna Rozyna, born Wandke, deceased couple Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), a widower after death of Wilhelmina, born Reich. Death reported by Fridrich Wegner, a settler, 48 years old, and Karl Reich, an owner of a house, 78 years old, both from Dabie.