Translation request - Marriage record Tomasz Bieleń & Margaret Dragan 1833
Please help with the translation of this marriage record: I was able to determine some of the main words, I am missing a great deal. Below is what I found. Thank you. I appreciate it, Mattie.
Marriage Record no. 4, Przewrotne Parish, date 11th November 1833, groom, Thomas, a bachelor, Catholic, age 24, son of Stephen (Stefan) Bieleń and Małgorzata born Rzeszut, and a maiden, Margaret (Małgorzata in Polish), age 16, Catholic, daughter of Stanislaus (Stanislaw in Polish) Dragan, and Marianna (cannot determine mother’s surname). Witnesses: Antonius (Antoni in Polish) T/Lagodzin??, Stanislaus (Stanilaw) Bielen.
I am not sure what it says for the house number/s address; Although Małgorzata’s father is Stanislaus I do not see his name indicating her father, but her mother’s name without a surname. Below Małgorzata’s name there is something that states “Tahom ra zcudbicni??” I cannot translate it, because I am having difficulty reading it. Thank you.
Marriage Record no. 4, Scan no. 284, date 11 Nov 1833
Meilleure réponse
Marriage Record no. 4, Przewrotne Parish, dated the 11th November 1833, of Thomas (Tomasz in Polish), a bachelor, Catholic, age 24, son of Stephenus (Stefan) Bieleń, and of Małgorzata born Rzeszuto, married couple Bieleń, and of a maiden, Margaret (Małgorzata in Polish), age 16, Catholic, daughter of Stanislaus (Stanislaw in Polish) Dragan, and Marianna, married couple Dragan. Witnesses: Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Jagodziński, and Stanislaus (Stanislaw) Bieleń.
Note on this marriage record: I give permission for marriage of my daughter. Stanislaw Dragan.
Birth Record indexed in Geneteka of Małgorzata Dragan born on the 17th June 1817 in Kłapówka, Parish Przewrotne, daughter of Stanislaw and Marianna Jagodziński.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Mattie