help reading the will of Johanna Snell

I hope the above link works. I need some help reading the will of Johanna Snell. The document starts on the bottom right side and goes to the next page. It's the next page where I am having some problem reading. The document is proved 9 Oct 1851 in Portsea, Hampshire.
On the second page 3rd line down she mentions a sister Jane with a last name of something like Pribcana. That isn't right but I can't quite make it out. Can someone please read this name?
Down further on line 12 and 19 are George and Sarah Synch I think. Is that correct?
I think I can get the rest of the document. Some of these names are a little hard to read. Thanks, Owen
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I believe it could be Jane Prideaux. The d looks like how it is written in the words and.
I agree with Synch. Have you searched the 1851 census to see if those names appear?
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Thanks Kathleen, I'll try searching the census.