Запрос помощи с переводом (Requesting Assistance with Translation)
Я введу этот запрос как на русском, так и на английском языке. У меня большие трудности с чтением кириллицы. Может кто-нибудь сказать мне, что здесь написано? Перевести запись тоже было бы хорошо, но самое главное – это расшифровка записи.
Спасибо и хорошего дня.
I will enter this request in the Russian language as well as the English language. I have a great deal of difficulty reading Cyrillic script. Could someone tell me what is written here? Translating the record would be good as well, but the most important thing is the deciphering of the record.
Thank you and have a good day.
In the town of Brześć on 2/14th of May 1892 at 9 am appeared Szczepan Rymarkiewicz, court caretaker 31 years old and Stanislaw Machtel, worker 30 years old, both living in Miechowice
They announced that on 30th of April/12th of May of this year at 11 PM in Miechowice, Jozef Michalak has died. He was living together with his daughter in Miechowice, 69 years of age, was born in Sokolow village Kruszyna parish Piaski gmina Włocławski powiat https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soko%C5%82%C3%B3w_(Bia%C5%82oru%C5%9B), son of deceased Franziszek and Ewa nee Gruntow spouses Michalak. He left behind his widow Franziszka nee Sczerbiak living in Miechowice village.
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Спасибо Игорь.