1897 All-Empire Census in Odesa Oblast
I'm looking for information about my family. They lived in the village of Софіївка (Sofiivka), in Bessarabia. I understand the village was part of Odesa Oblast before Bessarabia was integrated to Romania after WWI. The attached map shows its precise location.
So far, we did not manage to find any records regarding Sofiivka. I'm wondering if the archives of the 1897 All-Empire Russian Census could be of any help. The village was small (about 500 people).
Does anyone know if it might be possible to find the 1897 census records for this village?
Many thanks :)
I'm not sure if 1897 census data for Sofiental is available anywhere, but there are a couple of Lutheran metric books of Bessarabia for 1908-1910 in Saint Petersburg archive, at least one of which is available here https://book-olds.ru/BookLibrary/03000-Bessarabskaya-gub/1909-10.-TSGIA-SPb.-Fond-2294.-Opis-1.-Delo-199-Metricheskie-knigi-Lyuteranskih-tserkvey-Bessarabskoy-gubernii.html
What's the last name you are looking for? Were they German colonists? Have you tried looking for them here? https://odessa3.org/search.html
Best regards,