Is this still the place to raise issues on the "New" Person page?
Some of us are still advising those who are posting problems that appear to be related to the introduction of the "new" page to post them here, rather than elsewhere on the forum. Except, the page is no longer really "new" and does not seem to be the subject of any continuing revision any longer (resulting from user reports, etc.).
I also notice the previous post here was made about 9 days ago and, in general, there isn't too much activity in this group.
Perhaps @lyleblunttoronto1 might be the best person to address this, firstly, in whether the engineers are still regularly monitoring posts to this group. Secondly, in whether we should now post in the "Family Tree" section of Community, and, finally, if there are any imminent plans to remove this group from Community.
I believe by now it might have served its purpose, but - if so few problems are being encountered in the months since the "NPP" became the only option for users - that all Person page queries should now be placed under the "Family Tree" heading instead.
May I just add, that whatever does happen to this New Person Page group, it has been great to have it and to definitely know FS employees (particularly Lyle) have taken note of the issues raised and made changes, if this was considered appropriate.
Hopefully, this group will set the standard for any future, major development of a specific feature in Family Tree, whereby users can feel they have a place to make a direct input regarding a major change during the development stage, rather than have to argue for changes after a revised feature is fully implemented.
What does it mean if this group is "removed" from Community? Do all the posts go away? Or do they get moved to another group in the Community? I would prefer these posts, particularly the pinned post called "Known Issues and current status of the newly released Person Page" remain available to users. Not everyone is a frequent user of FS so they may not be aware of the update yet and I think they would benefit from reading past discussions, especially understanding that FS did read and respond to feedback. (While I was caring for my dad during his final 1 1/2 years, I had no time to work on genealogy. My situation isn't unique.)
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Yes, it would be a shame if easy access to these posts was no longer possible. I am primarily thinking about future posts on the subject - so maybe it could just be locked to further posts, with a note as to the best alternative section within Community to post our comments. I guess that would be "Family Tree" (possible bugs, etc.) or "Suggest An Idea" (ideas for future improvement).
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@Paul W It looks like the common practice is to mark a group as inactive, but not to delete it. So people will still be able to read the content.
For an example, see the inactive group Temple Work and My Family:
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Thank you for the post @Paul W.
The group is still being monitored and is still the quickest way to connect to the development group for the person page.
We have been considering archiving the group, but we are waiting for an update to fonts and spacing to see if it resolves some of the issues in the known list.
The posts in this group have historical value for both Devs and Users and will still be available. This is the first group of its kind, so we are open to suggestions on when and how to sunset the group.
This was such a successful form of feedback that teams are looking to emulate this kind of group. Thank you all for contributing your ideas about the person page. It's been an amazing experience for me.