Mess clean-up help
I'm fairly new to researching the Ireland line of my family and haven't gotten too far, trying to clean up a mess I have found. My Great-Grandmother is Mary Conney (K6MJ-NQM) and I am looking to follow her fathers' line. I know her father is Patric Cooney (27MW-QTN) but that is where I have been getting some miss information currently in Family Search, Patrick's father is listed as Dennis (LBRF-DQC) but in researching, I also see there might be another Patrick, and then that Patrick's father is doesn't appear to be Dennis. I have tried to look through many resources and fix what I can in Family Search, but am stuck on this line. Can anyone point me in a direction to go so I can fix all this mess and get it right?
@michaeltroybohling1 I took a look at Patrick and here is a problem, it only says Ireland for his birth place. I also see a lot of sources for Patrick in Dennis Cooney’s sources, with Patrick and not Dennis as the father and I am not sure why they were attached to Dennis’s records. I would have attached them to Patrick since Dennis is not mentioned in any of those records.
Patrick is a very common name in Ireland and with my records of Irish ancestors there were some who had the parent’s exact names from different places with other children attached to my line that were not correct.
If this were my line, since you do have them in the US, the first thing I would look for is a census record with Patrick and Dennis. I do not see a mother and with Dennis’s other wife three daughter. I think with the record you have in Dennis’s sources with Patrick and his wife I would look to see if the ages of Patrick and his wife Honora are correct with what you have in your records as well as the marriage place. As I go back and forth I do lean more towards Patrick’s father not being Dennis; however, I think more research needs to be done before counting him out completely. I would also make another father (not in FamilySearch or it will create a mess for you) of Patrick with the sources that were added to Dennis’s sources as you continue your research. I would also remove the sources in Dennis’s that show Patrick with a father of Patrick and the ones that are correct with Patrick and wife Honora, I would attach to his record. If Dennis were mentioned in those records, then I would leave them, but from what I saw, none of them mentioned Dennis with Patrick. Once you sort out the two fathers, then you can start with Irish research.
I hope all of that made sense. I am also going to ask for some additional eyes to take a lot as well. @anthonyphilipclarke1 @Hayter David @MS687
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Errors in trees are commonplace - often someone will see a published tree and accept it without question. It may then be republished online- others then see the same tree & feel it is correct, and accept it without question because it has been published many times
. Any claim needs to be verified by good sources. Publishing on the internet does not meet that standard.
So start with what you know to be correct. Then follow the evidence and record it. Commonality of names does not prove anything. It may be right it may be wrong. Sometimes you will be able to prove claims quickly; other times it may take years and revisiting an issue many times.
Keep at it. Dont give up.
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Thank you both! Lots of clean-up to do.