How to determine of Lexmark 611 toner is on auto order?

I don't want to expect toner to come, and then have it not come. that happened to us last time and we were without a printer for a while.
Operations Guide says that if the toner is auto order, it will come automatically. Is there a way to check to see if it is on auto order? (I assume by going to printer ip address and look at some setting there)
The low toner light is on, but I do understand that auto order does not send toner until it is at 2%, and it is above that right now.
I have often wondered this myself. The last time, I ended up calling about it and they then sent the toner. I haven't seen any place that you can check to confirm that the toner cartridge is being shipped. Maybe someone can enlighten us all.
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When I first became director, I learned we'd had a cartridge sent to an address that we had a hard time identifying - it was a former director. The cartridge ended up being brought to the stake clerk's office and stored in file cabinet (took months to finally track down). I'd recommend calling Support and also verifying who the cartridge is listed as being sent to, and what address. That used to be editable on CDOL, but since that's no longer available to us, we don't have a way to verify any of that.
Also, you should be able to know about when a cartridge should be expected by the % of toner remaining. If I remember correctly, some far corner of my memory tells me it's triggered at 2% toner remaining (Support should be able to confirm or correct that amount for you as well). Unfortunately, the spreadsheet associated with this page only has one article on toner replacement, and it only addresses receipt of the wrong cartridge - so again, check with Support at the 866#.
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Recently, while tech support was working on another printer-related problem, they reviewed the "configuration" of the printer and noted that it was set to warn about low toner when the cartridge is below 20%. They said this was way too high a threshold and reset it to 2%. I am unsure where this configuration was done, but I think it was in an actual Lexmark app, and I don't know if it is accessible to non-tech-support....
Of course, that doesn't answer the question about whether you are scheduled for automatic toner replacement. We have received replacements in the past without problem.
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The auto order App is visible on the Printer Menu Screen.
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I am not sure what "Printer Menu Screen" means, so I don't know where to look for this "auto-order App".
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OK I figured out how to adjust the percent of toner remaining that generates low toner warning:
- Get the printer IP address (upper left corner of menu) and type the address into google This will take you to the Lexmark settings
- Click on Settings
- Click on Print Settings
- Click Supply notification at bottom of menu. I set mine to 5%. It was on 20%
Elder Richins, I cannot see the app. I went to apps (under settings) and I see a list of apps, but there is no app listed for automatic toner replacement. Is this where I would find it?
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no, it is in the printer screen near the scan to fs app on the printer.
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There doesn't seem to be anything like that on our printer screen.
The scan to fs is in the bottom right corner.
The Status/Supplies button just leads to bars that show the toner level, etc.
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Well my 611 screen is simpler than the one above. Only 3 big buttons,
Copy, Scan to Computer, San to FamilySeach
I cannot find a toner app either.
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There is no toner App! What you are looking for is a management App.
Based on your screen, you appear to be running old firmware on that printer, which needs updating. Call FamilySearch Center Support and have a technician update your printer firmware and software. At that time, they can verify that the printer is left on 24/7 so the department can install the printer updates and that computers are being turned off each night so that they can update.
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Just fyi. A printer running on 2% toner can last a very long time, unless you're printing 24/7. My Lexmark 622 was at 2% for the longest time and I was getting worried, but then a toner showed up at my home. You need to make sure the mailing address for your FSC is the home address of the current "director" and not the actual church building.
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While reviewing the FSC Technical Support Group, I ran across this discussion, which raised some questions in my mind, since we have only 2 "Buttons" showing on the screen -- "Copy" and "Scan to Family Search". I then wondered if I needed to follow Elder Richins advice to call support to update the firmware.
Clicking on the "?" in the lower left-hand corner revealed 8 other potential "Buttons" that may be available.
This led me to look at the tiny numbers in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, -- -- which I presume may be the ID for the firmware/software version currently installed. Is assumption correct, and if so, is this the latest version ? Thanks for any help !!!! Phil Besselievre
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That number ( is the IP address for your printer. It indicates that it was properly migrated over from the older IP address system we used to be on. It's not the model number or anything having to do with the firmware/software.
I would follow Elder Richins' advice and call tech support while you're in the Center, and ask to speak to a tech support person. Whenever we have to unplug our printer (rare but it's happened), it always comes up with the multiple icons, not just two or three. I've never seen just two or three with an option to display more. I'd suspect you've got outdated firmware as discussed by Elder Richins, but tech support can verify and remedy that.
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Chris, Thanks !!!! Will do. Phil
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Well, I tried to follow @Ken Richins - NAO Tech Support Lead instructions, but they seem to be incomplete....
We have recently had updates to our printer, so I was pretty sure the "firmware" was up to date, and thus I could not understand why we weren't seeing this "Management App" if all we needed was the latest firmware.
After three attempts with FSC support, I finally got a tech to view our printer set-up via Splashtop from one of our computers. After about 3 seconds, he declared that FSC support cannot do what we are asking. It involves "installing an app" (each one of those icons on the screen is apparently an "app"). Lexmark has not provided FSC support the ability to install the Management app. You have to contact Lexmark support directly.