Translation Request: Dutch to English

Would anyone be able to translate this short bit for me? I get the gist of it, but would appreciate a better translation than what google is giving me, if possible. Much thanks.
Den 27sten Juli 1674 compareerde Jakob Michielse Mol en verklaarde, dat hij op heden met Crijri Geubel, de vate had helpen uitkarnen op de hoeve van de wed. Cornelis Geubelse, moeder van Crijn en wel tot aan den middag. Na het uitspannen is hij met Crijn met de paarden gegaan naar de Soete Weel, en dat Crijn na het drenken van de paarden zeide: „Comt, wie daer ’t diepst in de weel durft rijden!" Bij dit rijden is Crijn in tegenwoordigheid van Mol verdronken met zijn paard.
This is medieval Flemish,do you like to have it in English?,..if so, anyway could you post the link itself to the actual document, and the google translate snip of it? Just to see what was served on google's plate. Even without , i will translate tomorrow.
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The 27th of July 1674 did appear Jacob Michielse Mol and declared,that he at present time with Crijn Geubel(se? ),had helped to clear the butter churn on the farm of widow.Cornelis Geubelse, mother of Crijn , and this until before midday.After un-mounting did he went with Crijn with the horses towards the Soete Weel,and after giving the horses a change to drink, Crijn said "Come,Dare all to drive deepest into the weel".By this riding Crijn has drowned in the presence of Mol along with his horse.
=> Weel = Kolk ,Soete weel is Sweet Kolk
=>Uitspannen means un-mounting of a horse from his carriage(in this sense)
=> I think the name is meant to be Geubelse or Geubels
=> uitkarnen is ending the proces of churning milk or butter, clearing the barrels.
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Thank you. I will look for the original.
This is the google translate version:
On the 27th of July 1674 Jacob Michielse Mol and stated that he had helped the Cate to help the vate out on the wed's farm. Cornelis Geubelse, mother of Crijn and until noon After he had finished, he went with Crijn with the horses to the Soete Weel, and that after the watering of the horses Crijn said: "Comt, whoever is in the deepest you dare drive! " In this driving Crijn drowned in the presence of Mol with his horse.
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Am having trouble locating the original and am very busy with work, so can't look any more for now.
Event occurred in Zeeland, Nthlds, I think in the Poortvleit, Scherpenisse area.
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Thanks ; i do know Poortvliet and Scherpenisse.I have enough to shape a search string out of it.
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Thank you. Our ancestor is the Jacob M Mol in the incident. He was about 25 yrs old at the time. It seems to be an interesting account of a dare with a tragic outcome. I am wondering if there is any hint in the wording as to whether or not Jacob Mol took the dare at all, or if Crijn was the only one who went into the water. I also understand that far fewer people then knew how to swim, despite living and working by and on the water. I am sorry to not have the original handy. I thought I had a digital copy but alas, I do not. If you or anyone had time to look into it any further, I would welcome it. I understand, however, if that is not possible. -DL
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No he writes , 'In the presence of', not along with , and he is the narrator who hands out the story...-so he survived.This is where i think you found the story,but alas this is already a bad translate of some distant original, I see many flaws in the content.It indicates however where he lived at that time , and these locations are very visible. The page itself has sidekicks to scans and has leads to follow.You will find the bulk txt under Notities etc..bottomside page.This seems a solid onion to peel and dissect.But i leave for Turkey this night and have to pack today, also gearing up to travel this night, so we could only do more on this one if i'm back.
I'm back the 14 th, please remind me of it ,via message on this page.
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Okay - thank you for your time. Bye for now. -DL