Would someone please translate this birth record from French to English
Pierre Bastogne, KN81-GZP,
baptized in Baerendorf, 18 Jan 1757 son of Pierre Bastogne and Christine Wagner. Godparents: Michel Wagner, and Nicolaa Fischer
Thanking you in advance,
Mieke Hawner
Jean Pierre is born on 16th of january ( not sure !) of 1757
was baptized 18 jan 1757
his father : Pierre BASTOGNE, master tailor
his mother : christine WAGNER
the two parents living this parish
god father : michel WAGNER, son of Martin WAGNER, plowman
god mother : unreadable FISCHER, daughter of michel FISCHER , master weaver
god parents living in the same parish
some body has find the god mother was Nicolaa FISCHER.
be careful sometimes Pierre wastranslated in latin Petrus
have a good day
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Thank you very much for the translation, your help is much appreciated.
Mieke Hawner