Cassie Wessel/Wiswel/Wiswal
I am researching Cassie Wessel/Wiswel/Wiswal from the Wessell Family from Port Dufferin, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Cassie was born October 17, 1903 in Port Dufferin, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Parents were James Alexander Wessell (12jan1874-18Jan1962) and Berth nee Diggins (8Sep1873-16Nov1961)
The following are details were given by her sister-in-law to me:
- She was pregnant when she left for Boston, Massachusetts, &
- She had a son that was an undertaker.
Canada Census Reference:
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
I found the following and hope it helps, I found it on
found at May be your tree I am not sure
Please keep us updated and let me know if this helps
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Good Day Michael,
Thank you so much, you are awesome.
I am new to FamilySearch and learning. There is a profile on WikiTree for Cassie at as well.
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Good Day,
I am interested in her Aunt, Mrs. John Currie living at 82 Park Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts on May 16, 1924 (as listed on the Manifest, Port of Entry Boston 16 May 1924). Any suggestions on how to research her?
Thank you,
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@Michael Long
Good Day Michael,
Thank you so much, you are awesome.
I am new to FamilySearch and learning. There is a profile on WikiTree for Cassie at as well, that connects her to several other family members.
I am interested in her Aunt, Mrs. John Currie living at 82 Park Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts on May 16, 1924 (as listed on the Manifest, Port of Entry Boston 16 May 1924). Any suggestions on how to research her?
Thanks again
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I am glad that helped. Searching on FamilySearch can take some getting used to. I would start by putting your tree on the website if you have not yet done it. I would start with your closest deceased relative. You can add living later as you have time and would like to. I will use my mother in my tree to show you why this is important. The blue icon shown by the arrow is information the website found. If you click it it will show you what the information is. If I click on the name ( see image 2)
It will show this view on the right side. Then if you click on the name once more (this is the important part) See image 3
it takes you here. From here you can Search all the sites listed in the yellow area (not you can down gage to the more that are not shown, I would start at the top and go down. Some are paid sites Like Ancestry some are free to join. I also try the search button on the tree home page. Let me know how it goes.
Michael Long
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Getting more familiar with FamilySearch website ...
Found Cassie's aunt that she stayed with: Susan Glawson (nee Wessell) Currie [].
Great website !
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Good for you. We also have, on the New England Community, a link at the top of the page (See image below) that has some good sites for the New England area. all our Communities have them But that may be in a different spot. Let the community know of any other sites that could be used useful in this link.
If you need any more help just post I don't have all the answers but some others may be able to help or I can try to find it. I try to post useful information and links as I find or learn of them.
Michael Long