Is there a deadline for disbanding the team working on the new person page?
Now the new person page is fully established (and the only option) in Family Tree, I imagine it will be only a matter of time before the developers working on the project will be moved on to other projects.
I wonder if (as with the deadline of the end of the first quarter of 2023 for the phasing out of the old page) there has been a date set whereby further changes to the new person page with be given the same level of priority / resources as when it comes to making changes to any other Family Tree feature.
By that time, I assume there will be no need for a specific group (here in Community) to discuss further issues that might come to light.
The person page is assigned and maintained by a dedicated semi-static team. So while the focus and priorities of the team change, updates can still happen in the same flow.
I've really enjoyed this Community Group. I hope it remains a useful tool for both the users and engineering to collaborate.