Possible sur-name for great-grandmother, Berowe Barhave in Montreal in 1894-1901

Is the name Augustine Berowe Barhave a common name in Montreal in 1894?
Do you have a FamilySearch ID or info on her family? Short answer: no, not a common surname. Probably a different spelling, looking for clues. (Beriau, Bernard, Benard, etc.?) Did she die in Quebec or further west? Who was her husband and/or children?
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Linda, Thank you for your response including the possible clue surnames. Augustine's husband was sent by the French military to Montreal in 1893. The next evidence we find is from1901 Canadian census records locating them near Sturgeonville, Alberta. Yes, I have a FamilySearch ID and have been able to verify her husband and children, but only her first and married names.
I appreciate your response and will continue my search with the clues you sent.
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Update on Surname
Barhave is likey Barhaven
Surname comes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrhaven a place near Ottawa Canada.
Also When checking a surname the best place in the World is Family Search
This Berowe is most likely found in: England
9 people in Family Tree
Where as Augustine and Bernard are common names in Montreal and Canada?
I hope this helps
#2 place is just use Google Search ay google.com
Use a Full name Plus a keywords like "image" or "gravestone" or "Family Tree"
By using your name you will likely be suprized
EG: "conni maxine call image"
You get the idea
PS Is your Mothers name "Payne" she has your 1f and secnd name??
Take care
Bernie FS ID 98254