How Long Would It Take? (immigration Timeline)
I've tried to find the information online, but google has failed me. Does anyone know how long it would have taken for a train journey from Kiev to Port Arthur, in what what was Russia controlled China, in 1913-14? The family would have had to travel from Kiev, where they were supposedly living, across China, to Japan, where they spent several months, before leaving Kobe Japan for Seattle WA in Jan 1916.
Meilleure réponse
Well, it was only fast way from Kiev to Port Arthor. They had to hop on train to Moscow, then on express train across the Empire on the Transsibirian railway directly to Port. The journey could take from 3 to 4 days from Kyiv to Moscow, about 16 days from Moscow to Port Arthur, if you count the journey by rail.
Thank you!😁