New Research Help Icons
I see that you have responded to the people who could not find the various research helps anymore on the new pages by adding a dot to the icon. While I liked the simple icons just fine, these minor style changes are fine, too, if it makes the site easier for anyone to use. Just a couple of comments based on this image that shows the three new icons:
1) The style of the data error dot does not fit the other two. The color is too intense and the icon itself is white rather than a shade of red.
2) I actually find the hint and suggestion icons much harder to read with the dot than without it. Should the icons all be white on the colored background?
Probably not since the background is so light. But since the color is in the dot, how about black?
Now those I can see.
3) If the icons are meant to be meaningful at all, rather than just a fun spot on the page, is this new style appropriate for people who are color blind? Removing the color gives this:
Is this enough contrast when the dots are actual size? Probably, looking at them here but loading the images here enlarges them a bit.
4) Will the icons on the Show All Research Helps page be updated to these icons?
The above was my first impression. Now after a few days working away, I find that I really don't register the icon inside the dot at all anymore. So whether it is color, black, or white, or done away with entirely really doesn't matter at all anymore for me. Since I'm not really seeing it as a separate item now, I have changed my mind and think that the color icon is less harsh than black and looks better.
I still think the red is too harsh and needs to be the same intensity as the blue and purple.