Connect While Social Distancing: Join the FamilySearch Live Community
Series Begins (see link below):
- Instagram live event Tuesday, March 24, at 11:00 a.m. MST
- Instagram live event Thursday, March 26, at 11:00 a.m. MST
@Events - Near and Far
24th 26th
I listened to the first Instagram live session. It was a fun and quick 30 minutes where they talked about recording family stories. Good ideas to use not only with your own family, but also with those you associate with within your communities. We may not be able to physically meet, but we can definitely connect in many other ways to share our ideas and help each other along.
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I really enjoyed this! This one was perfect for parents who might be looking for easy ways to bring family history into simple moments their daily lives. I really enjoyed this quote:
"We know from secular research that there's a lot of healing and hope that comes in telling your story and narrating and journaling, so this is actually cathartic and good. And it's something you can do together as a family or as an individual. You can take photos, you can record audio. Whatever tool you use, take advantage of documenting your experience - the good and the bad. Because this is something we're going to want to reflect on and learn from. And I think looking back helps us move forward."
You can watch it again here: https://www.instagram.com/familysearch/channel/?hl=en
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Is the Thursday event correct? The blog says it is an Instagram meeting at 11:00 MST. I didn't see a Facebook live event listed.
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@Miles A Meyer You are right! I think they changed their blog recently. Thank you for keeping me on my toes. I will get that changed...and keep looking into it.
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Topic Today for Thursday 26 March 2020, 11:00 am MST Instagram
Basic research in looking for records
Whitney Peterson - FamilySearch employee
4 Tips:
- On person page, become familiar with the records in the sources tab
- On person page use the Research Help Record Hints
- Utilize the FamilySearch link on the right side of the person page - everything is auto filled and will look through what FamilySearch has
- Utilize the Research Wiki and the FamilySearch Community groups