Transcription help please
I'm having a hard time transcribing the attached notarized record from cursive to text. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
No. 6482
19 mars 1903
___ par Ant[oine] Desroches
a ___
Georgina Desroches sa ___ épouse de P. Desmarais
L’an mil neuf cent trois le dix neuf mars Devant(?) Mr Joseph Raphaël Tartre Notaire Public pour la province de Quebec ____ a Waterloo dans la district de Bedford de la province.
____ Mr. Antoine Desroches cultivateur de la canton de Roxton ____ a ...
Below is what some good friends of mine came up with regarding your document. The handwriting was quite a challenge for them. There were a several words they couldn't quite make out. However, their general summary of the document is as follows along with their transcription:
"Our basic understanding is that the daughter was receiving her inheritance from her father. And probably she was receiving it in advance of when the rest of the inheritors were to receive their inheritance. I'm sure the researcher knows that in other countries, Notaries are more like lawyers than here in the US. I imagine the Notary was drawing up this legal document for the daughter, her husband and her father to memorialize the money the father was giving to the daughter."
No. 6482
19 Mars 1903
Don par Ant[oine] Desroches à Mme. Georgiana Desroches, sa fille, ép[ouse] de P. Desmarais
L’an mille neuf cent trois le dix-neuf Mars. Devant M. Joseph Raphaël, sa être? notaire public pour la Province de Quebec, resident à Waterloo dans le District de Bedford de la Province.
Comparant M. Antoine Desroches, cultivateur du banlieu de Roxton. Lequel a fait don par les presents en advancement d’horaire et enfait à rapproch a sa ascension lors de son ouverture à Dame Georgiana Desroches de Roxton les dit la fille, épouse actuelle et commence en lieu de M. Paul Desmarais fils de Paul aussi cultivateur du assess? lieu or bien? present et Antoine ____________ specialement eu? de l’épouse, pour l’effet des Présents* cette dernière ces present acceptant Dr. Notaire pour elle _______________ une? ___________ de ___________ _______________ comme actuel en agent payees ce jour a la dite Dame Donataire qui le _________ait aussi que son dit époux don’t quittance. Ce don etait fait en outre la bout d’aider a la dit Dame en ____________ de sa ___________ _______ chez soi en la _____________ des ___________ ________ qu’elle lui a donnés à ce jour. Et de _________ afin de constater d’avance ce qu’elle a eu avant ses autres heritiers et pour les savoir de propre à elle aux siens dont ce la a __________ ___________ dit. Étende du notaire R________ ____ le c_______ six mille quatre cent et quatre-vingt deux.
Et les parties on signé avec nous Notaire, lecture faite. [Can’t read last sentence]
Antoine Desrocher
Georgianna Desrocher
Paul Desmarais
Very Rough English Translation
No. 6482
19 March 1903
Gift by Antoine Desroches to
Mrs. Georgiana Desroches, his daughter,
Spouse of P. Desmarais
In the year 1903, the 19th of March, before Mr. Joseph Raphaël, Notary Public for the Province of Quebec, resident at Waterloo in the District of Bedford in the Province.
Appeared Mr. Antoine Desroches, farmer in the suburb of Roxton. Who makes a gift by these presents in advance [is the gift being made now rather than what she would receive when he dies?] to Georgiana Desroches of Roxton, the said daughter, wife of Mr. Paul Desmarias, son of Paul, who is also a farmer. [Not sure what it says down to the asterisk]. This last of those presents accepting Dr. Notary for her _________ as an actual agent this woman is being paid as a gift to her and her spouse. The gift is being made outside the normal way for the goal of helping said woman to [can’t read the rest of the French] that he is giving her this day. It is being given to her in advance of the other inheritors and to make known that it properly belongs to her.
She is being given 6,482. [not sure what currency is-dollars? Pounds?]
The parties sign before the Notary after receiving the Notary’s lecture.
Antoine Desrocher
Georgiana Desrocher
Paul Desmarais
I hope this helps.
Randy Philpot
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thank you!