Russian note translation help!
Any ideas on what this note says? It's on an 1873 tax list.
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I'm not sure about first two words, I'd say first one has to be be Дом (house) but it apparently reads Дым (smoke) which isn't making any sense. Second isn't clear at all, something like отаре, the best I can suggest fitting to context is Отоинъ as in belonging to Otoev. The rest is definitely "исключенъ из обложенiя как уничтожившiйся, д. 49 1887г." The last д. is probably дело i.e. file number for investigation of house destruction for example or "дом №" i.e. the house number which is less likely. Overall I'd say it is "Otoev's house is excluded from taxation as having been destroyed, file #49, year 1887" but again first two words are unclear.
the tax went on men's souls, but since this house is destroyed, the person is struck out of the Tax Calculation. link to the document specifying the destruction.
you read the beginning of the phrase correctly “This house”, the clerk’s underline is sometimes unpredictable