Translation help, Rospedski Troscianko, Tbilisi 1901 & 1913
May I receive translations of the two attached records?
These are [1] the 1913 birth/baptism record of Stanislaw Rospedski, and [2] the 1901 marriage record of his parents (Jan and Konstancia born Troscianko).
They were living in Tbilisi at the time. Jan was a member of the Russian army in 1901. I do not know if he still was in 1913. Konstancia was born in Lithuania, I believe.
Thank you and best regards,
№67 3rd of June 1913
On 9th of June 1913 in Tiflis Peter and Paul Roman Catholic church priest Wincenty Skwirecki christened a baby named
Stanislaw of Iwan son of Tomasz Rospedski and Kostancia daughter of Wladislaw nee Toroscianko, citizens of Łask, Petrokov gubernia. Their son was born on 26th of May (old style date for 3rd of June in the rest of the world) in Tiflis. Godparents are Anton Minkiewicz and Regina Dolucińska.
1901 16th of October in Tiflis Peter and Paul Roman Catholic church priest Jozef Baranowski performed a marriage of:
Peasant of Petrakov gubernia Jan Rospendski (spelled with n in two places) single, 28 years old with citizen Kostancia Toroscianko 22 years old, single, both Roman Catholic.
son of Tomasz and Mariyanna nee Wozniak
daughter of Wladislaw and Maria nee Wiebszanski (Вебшанской, might as well be Wiebmanski Вебманской but I'm not finding any Polish last names similar to either of these)
witnesses were Heinrich Waliszewski and collegiate secretary K Wysocki
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Thank you! Very interesting, very insightful.
Regarding Maria's maiden name: According to her death certificate, it was Olszańska (Ольшаньска ?). I think I found her name in the marriage certificate, and indeed, it looks a lot more like a "Веб..." than a "Оль..." Also, family lore is that she was was Lithuanian.
Thank you again,
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I think you're right there, Olszańska is very likely because there doesn't seem to be an existing Wiebszanski last name. As for the current document spelling it could be an О as well as В, it doesn't look very much like an О but also isn't exactly as В in Возняк and Валишевского. Second character is very much an л if we assume first one is an О. For the third that threw me off it is indeed the way priest sometimes spells ь as you can see in the very next word "дочь".