Same PID, Different People, different genders.

Under Adriaan van Veen (9744-NXy) it shows a gender change on Oct 8 2022.
We now are showing his work needing to be done.
The finished ordinance card shows all the work for Adriaana van Veen done in the 2018s.
What should we do???
@Marti Pike This question would be better answered in a different part of the community. Can you post this in the "Temple" que here:
You can get to that part by clicking Help (the question mark in the circle) then click "Community." Next, click the box labeled "FamilySearch Help" (not Groups). Now scroll down until you see the "Temple" area. Click there and post this question.
Thank you.
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We started by calling FS. She directed us to the Change area and yes, we found a gender and name change made on October 8th 2022. The ordinance work was done in 2018 for a female. If this person is indeed a male, the new work would need to be done. The only attached source is a baptism where the name is spelled according to the change but there is no clear gender declaration there. The best answer is to get more sources but before we go there, we would like to know if by adding an "a" to a name would make it female like Spanish names do. I don't know enough about Dutch names to make that call.
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I am wondering if it is one of those times when the gender of the person isn't really known so they are doing ordinances for both genders to cover it? PaulaAnn