Transcription Request for a Letter
Would someone please help me to transcribe the letter I’m adding below. There is no need to translate it to English, just a typed version of the handwritten text is all I need.
I think he is in Australia when he writes this and possibly writing to someone back in Kythera.
I think it might be a piece of the puzzle I’m trying to understand about my grandfather’s whereabouts and actions in the 1920s, so potentially very important for me.
Many thanks in advance,
Meilleure réponse
This handwriting is difficult to read. You will need a native Greek to try to type it for you. For assistance, contact Gregory Kontos at His company does record translations.
Thanks Carol. A couple of people I've asked have been able to read a few words but that's all. Looks like it's a job for the experts. Thanks for responding.