The index for Wakken, West Vlaanderen indicate that the death record for Christianus Decavel in 1721
The pages are located at and Can you please identify the records and provide a translation. Many thanks!
Can you provide a link to the index?
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Here you go, thanks.
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I did not see his entry either. I was hoping that you had misread the entry in the index, but that does not seem to be the case. Ok, I hope that the compiler of the index made a (minor) error and just put the wrong page number. Look at each entry for 1721. I am pretty sure you have the right collection.
If that doesn't work, we'll try something else.
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I looked at all the entries for 1721 but didn't see any name that looked like Christianus. However, some of the entries are a little difficult to read so I may have missed it. Any suggestions would be most welcome. On another note, I have found the death record for his wife, Elizabetha Van Oeteghem. It is the first entry above the 402 on this page I read the date of death as 21 March 1710. I can also read that the entry tells were she originated but can not read the name of the town. Can you help?
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The name Is in the first page-
Right page, lowest entry,but the spelling follows the old dates.
It is spelled as
Christianus_De_Cavele;.; all separated.Focus your eyes on De_cavele and the "E"s in it.
"De" is under the year.
On your question about Van Oeteghem, no matter how hard i tried i cannot see a location
and what you believe is a location is probably a Latin phrase meaning 'having recieved the holy sacraments...';but i'm unsure, this is more of a matter to Dr Juengling.
It is a certainty that the death location is Wakken,given the pastors name.
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Thank you so much for finding the Decavel entry! The word I was looking at on the Van Oeteghem entry looked like it might be oriundus or some variation thereof.
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I found Elizabetha Van Ooteghem's birth record in Wakken. How I need help with a death record for Laurentius Van Ooteghem located here: I can not determine if this is her father or her brother (born 17 March 1654). Is there anything in the record to clarify this?
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can you specify page and entry's location?
0 - Page 174, sixth entry from top
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16 oktober 1680
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Anything that indicates his age?
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I do not see anything indicating an age, best guess, .. brother?
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I tried to find and locate him in the Belgian Rijksarchief, in the background, but he doesn't show.
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Yup, there it is. Don't know how I missed it. It's always good to have another set of eyes. Good job, Adrie!