Marriage Certificates

Hi, I am new to the group and hoping to learn a lot from all of you.
My mother-in-law's family is from Greece. We have been trying to find marriage certificates for her grandparents, great grandparents, etc. but have had no luck at all.
Do you have recommendations on where I can go to search for a marriage certificate for Harry John Desalernos and Angeliki Gentilini. They were married in Cephalonia Greece in about 1940.
If I write to Greece, do I send requests in English or should I do a google translate and hope it translates ok?
Thank you for your help!
Hi Sharon,
Marriage documents are kept at both the village church, and at the Metropolis (the Diocese). You would have better luck contacting the Metropolis. There are no church records digitized, except for Sparta Marriages 1835-1935 on MyHeritage, which I digitized in 2018.
Keep your sentences very simple which will get you a better translation in google. You must send the letter in Greek and include the English translation as well. There is no email address, so either send a letter by mail or by fax.
There are no "secretaries" at these offices. There may be a clerk and the priests. Therefore, you may or may not get a response. The best way to get the information is to make an appointment to visit in person.
Holy Metropolis of Kefallinia
0030-671-28011 or 28516 (Metropolitan)
0030-671-22231 (Secretariat)
Village church records are kept by the priests. There are no secretaries or offices in small village churches, so I do not recommend writing a letter. Nothing is digitized. If you know someone in the village who can approach the priest, that is the only way to get information. Or, you could visit in person and have someone introduce you to the priest.
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Thank you very much for the information. I appreciate it! It is a start.
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Hello all
My wife has an ancestor that was a priest and was murdered in 1906 during the troubles between the Bulgarian Exarchate, and the patriarch of Constantinople. It is my understanding he was murder since he said mass in Greek and the opposing parties wanted him to say mass in Bulgarian. His name was Stoyo Lazhgov later changed by the government to Papadopoulos. His church was in the village of Trsje, Trivouno, Lerin, Florina, Western Macedonia, Greece. His bishop was in Kastoria.
Would anyone have a lead of where I might be able to get a written account of this incident? Also is it possible to find out when the surname was changed?
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I personally do not have information that can help you, but please put this post on the Hellenic Genealogy Geek Facebook page: We have over 40,000 members and someone may have information about records in that area.
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Good morning
I think I found some information in a blog about Trivouno. It is in Greek, but you can always turn on the translation in English in your browser to understand the content. There is a reference that priest Gerasimos, ordained two other priests: Ioannis papa-Maggos, son of papa-Konstantinos and your relative Stoyo papa-Lazgo.
The link is here