🌐 The Bridge Monthly Forum - Recording and other Links 🌐
Heather R Jacobs
dans Social Groups
Hello everyone!
Thank you so much to Nicole Dixon Davis taking the time to meet with us. We learned so much about gathering stories from the connections we make with people. It was so good to hear her perspective on how sharing stores heals, and helps us understand ourselves.
Here are some links for you:
Recording: GMT20220407-150223_Recording_1920x1030.mp4
RootsTech Presentation: https://www.familysearch.org/mg/rootstech/session/creating-an-successful-online-community-for-the-town-youre-researching
Because you asked, click here for her Book on Amazon - "20 Miracles of Family History"
Thank you for being a part of The Bridge - Bring Your Community Project To Life
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