⭐⭐Increase Your Ability to Resolve Research Issues and More!⭐⭐
Would you like to increase your ability to Resolve Research Issues, and/or, improve Family Histories?
A great place to start is to become familiar with the Mid-West Resource Links . Why start from scratch? Take advantage of the 1000s of hours of work and brilliance of others. Here is one approach: (1) Quickly scan the list of links, see if anything catches your eye – make a note of eye catchers (i.e., links that spark your interest, or relate to your research issues or family histories); (2) Click on each link and see what the first page looks like – note any additional eye catcher links; (3) Go back to each of the eye catcher links and review them more thoroughly. Besides “gold in them thar hills”, there is “gold in them thar links”.