Looking for family
My father was born in Falkenberg on May 8, 1909 to Emma Bengtson or Bengtdottar. I know he had 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Emma came to America in 1926 with her 2 youngest sons Sten V Johansson and Fingul (Albert) Johansson. My grandmother went back to Sweden once her boys married and had families.
Thank you so much
Susanne Johnson
If you check this link from the Swedish State Arcive were you can for free look at Swedish Church Record if you dont fint any hint when you search on Familysearch https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/00136694_00039 This is a Församlingsbok for Falkenberg 1901-1911 ( Parish Cencus ) Line 12-18 there you can find the whole family Your Grandmothers maidenname was Larsson, and also Finguls real name was Fingal
Yours Ulf