New Italian Birth Batch....Need Help
Gio. Battista is the declarant; he says the baby is the child of Osualdo son of deceased Rosario Boschian (father) and of Caterina daughter of deceased Giacomo de Palo (mother)
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thank you,
the "figlia la neonata" is the child, Angela
two other questions. what is the scribble between Osualdo and Zomaria, and Catterina figlia del, and, Giacomo?
the second question is: would you index Catterina's surname? the rules say no.
thanks again for your help
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q.m = quondam (Latin for formerly / was); a patronymic equivalent to "fu" or "furono" in more recent Italian documents.
Based on your narrow reading of the project instructions, you wouldn't index the surname of the father (Osualdo) either because it technically isn't written "next to" his given name, only next to his father's given name. But that seems extremely silly in a set of records where everyone is referred to by a patronymic (X son/daughter of Y surname). Otherwise all you'll have indexed is three given names and no surnames, and that's no help to anyone.
In fact, if you look at the example "how to index a birth record" from the instructions, the sample record gives the declarant/father as "Giacomo di Giacomo Felice Moro" and the example indexes the father's given name and surname. But is that only because he signed the record? If he had been illiterate and hadn't signed, I can't imagine they would say only index the father's given name.
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thank you for your explanation,
in the example, the only way they were able to index the father's surname is because he signed the document. otherwise, we could only give his first name "per instructions" based on what is written in the document.
and you are correct, sometimes the father and mother are written this way and the father doesn't sign the document. the child's surname is never written directly. if we followed the project instructions completely there would be no surname recorded. my thought is, in this case, do i cheat a little, or a lot!! it's usually a lot and i write all the sur-names. hope I'm forgiven for that!