What happened to my Ancestor?
It looks like there is a story here about a man who died suddenly under strange enough circumstances to require a notification to be sent to a KK district office. Can you help me find out what happened to my ancestor
Column 1. Date: 1878 May 3/5
Column 2. House: 11
Column 3. Mathias Zoufal dayworker in Dürre (the village)
Columns 4-5. Catholic
Columns 6-7. Male
Columns 8-10. Age: 65 years
Column 11. Cause of Death: This is where I am having trouble.
It looks like he was healthy and maybe was found by a companion
The handwriting is hard to read, and I can’t even decipher some of the letters
Column 12. Last sacraments administered by:
No name is given, so it didn’t happen, another indication that his death was unexpected. There is an explanation that I cannot read
Column 13. Burial by: H. Franz, Priest
Across the bottom:
I can’t read most of this either. What ever happened here required a note to be sent to a KK office in the District of Iglau on the date of his death, 3 May 1878 with some kind of tracking number 3774
There is a similar notice in another entry lower on the same page.
There are no other samples of the scribe’s handwriting on this page.
https://www.mza.cz/actapublica/matrika/detail/7749?image=216000010-000253-003373-000000-006937-000000-00-B05477-01150.jp2 He is the first entry on the left.
Thank you for any help you can provide
Meilleure réponse
The note in the Cause-of-death column is the following:
Gehirnerschütterung in folge eines auf ihn gefallenen Baumes, (Concussion as a result of a tree falling on him,)
and in the next column:
vom Baum im Walde todtgeschlagen. (struck dead by a tree in the forest.)
the note across the bottom:
Lt. Todtenbeschauzettel u. Erlaß der k.k. Legi__? Iglau den 3. Mai 1878 Z. 3774 umstandslos beerdigt. (According to death certificate and decree of the k.k. Legi__ ? Iglau of 3 May 1878 Z. 3774 buried without circumstances.)
Comment: I can't read the exact name of the k.k. office.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
I try to put an English translation with each source. That way others coming after me will have an easier time verifying my work.