Convoluted sets of parish records from 1736 - Hollingstedt
@Ulrich Neitzel ...This request for help is unusual in that it involves two adjacent marriage entries early in 1736 plus a baptism record later in 1736. The bride in the 2nd marriage record and the mother in the baptism record is my 6th GGM, Stincke Marquarts. Her 1st husband, Hans Börm, seems to have married someone in Feb 1736 who apparently died soon thereafter, and then he married Stincke in June 1736, followed by the birth of their son Hans in Sept 1736. The story is convoluted and difficult for me to interpret. Can you help flesh out the details?
Digital image #1 showing both marriages:
Digital image #2 of Hans/Stincke's son's baptism:
=== My Transcriptions ===
Marriage #1:
d 12 Febr [1736] ist Hans Börm Witwer
mit fraulein? [T?F?ah_?] Siercks? aus gr?:
Tochter? copulirt? [?]
Marriage #2:
Hollingstede. d 26 Junÿ [1736] ist Hans Börm, Witke?
Cords? zu Hollingstede ihr unehelich? [illegitimate?]
Sohn, mit Stincke Marquarts aus [?_.]
stede copuliert. d 20 Sept. [?]
dir? [?] Sohn gebohren
Son Hans' Baptism:
Hollingstede. d 23 Sept Hans Börm [?] Sohn Hans getauft. n. d 20.d. Mater Stincke.
patr. Fo:? Marquartß. [Rantram?]
Rolff Rolfßen? Holl:
Antje Rohwer. ibidem.
[bracketed note in right margin seems to reference to their wedding back in June]
=== My Translations ===
Marriage #1:
On the 12th Feb 1736, Hans Börm, widower, married Fraulein [?] Siercks….
Marriage #2:
On 26 June [1736], Hans Börm, widower [?] [and illegitimate?] son of [Cords?] of Hollingstede, married Stincke Marquarts of [_?stedt]. On 20 Sept….. son was born.
Son Hans' Baptism:
On 23 Sep 1736, Hans, son of Hans Börm, [born 20 Sep] was baptized. [His] mother [was] Stincke. Godparents were [?] Marquartß of R_?, Rolff Rolfßen of Hollingstedt, and Antje Rohwer of Hollingstedt.
Meilleure réponse
Yes, this situation is a bit complicated, mainly because three generations of Hans Börm are involved: Marriage #1 is for Hans Börm senior, marriage #2 is for his illegitimate son (who nevertheless bears his name), and the baptism is for Hans Börm III, the son, respectively grandson of the two other Hans Börm.
=== My Transcriptions ===
Marriage #1:
d 12 Febr [1736] ist Hans Börm Witwer
mit Frauke, Jasper Siercks aus gr:
Tochter copulirt worden
Marriage #2:
Hollingstede. d 26 Junÿ [1736] ist Hans Börm, Wibke
Cords zu Hollingstede ihr unehelicher [illegitimate?]
Sohn, mit Stincke Marquarts aus Iper=
stede copuliert. d 20 Sept. [?] hat
die Fr. einen Sohn gebohren.
pater? et filium spurium
pagina junxit
Son Hans' Baptism:
Hollingstede. d 23 Sept Hans Börm s.[ein] Sohn Hans getauft. n. d 20.d. Mater Stincke.
patr. Jo: Marquartß, Rantrum
Rolff Rolfßen Holl:[ingstede]
Antje Rohwer. ibidem.
[bracketed note in right margin seems to reference to their wedding back in June]
12 Wochen? p. nuptia? vide n:2 copulat: h.a.
=== My Translations ===
Marriage #1:
On the 12th Feb 1736, Hans Börm, widower, was married to Frauke, daughter of Jasper Siercks from Gr.
Marriage #2:
On 26 June [1736], Hans Börm, illegitimate son of Wibke Cords of Hollingstede, was married to Stincke Marquarts of Iperstede. On 20 Sept the wife has born a son.
[text in the margin (Latin)]
father and illegitimate son
pages connected(?)
Son Hans' Baptism:
On 23 Sep 1736, Hans, son of Hans Börm, born 20 Sep [was baptized]. [His] mother [was] Stincke. Godparents were Jo[hannes?] Marquartß of Rantrum, Rolff Rolfßen of Hollingstedt, and Antje Rohwer of Hollingstedt.
[text in the margin (Latin)]
12 weeks after marriage. see No.2 marriage of this year
Note that the villages have slightly different names today:
Hollingstede --> Hollingstedt (
Iperstede --> Ipernstedt (
@Ulrich Neitzel ... Amazing! Thank you!
This was a perfect example of the importance of the "devil in the details" when it comes to the importance of key terms, phrases, or notations when translating these records. Your help greatly clarified the context!
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Just to clarify... Hans Börm the 2nd, illegitimate son of Wibke Cords, was not necessarily the son of Hans Börm the 1st but perhaps was simply "adopted" by Hans the 1st as his "son"?
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Well, the record does not say "biological father", but the connecting bracket and the margin note ("father and illegitimate son") seems to indicate that this is the case (at least to me). Do you know who was the first wife of Hans Börm the 1st?
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... No, I have not worked back that far yet in the records, yet. As I'm sure you fully understand, the farther back the records, often the worse the handwriting and I feel like I'm beginning to run out of paths to pursue.