Help w/ 1809 Death Record - Süderstapel
This is the death record for my 4th GGM in 1809. In particular, I am not sure of the words preceding the names of the children. Please help.
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=== My Transcription ===
[died] 11 May [1809]; [buried] 16 May
Heinke, Ehefrau des Berend Engel, Einwohn
was? in Seeth, geb. Greve, gebürtig in Seeth.
Hinterlaßt [?] [?] [Ehe.?] 3 Kinder, nämlich?
a. Wiebke, b. Johann, 3, Hinrich.
Alt 35 Jahr.
=== My Translation ===
[died] 11 May [1809]; [buried] 16 May. Heinke geb. Greve, wife of Berend Engel, resident of Seeth. Leaves behind 3 legitimate children, namely a. Wiebke,b. Johann, and c. Hinrich. Age at death: 35 yrs.
Meilleure réponse
you did very well! The translation is perfect.
[died] 11 May [1809]; [buried] 16 May
Heinke, Ehefrau des Berend Engel, Einwohn=
ner in Seeth, geb. Greve, gebürtig in Seeth.
Hinterläßt aus dieser Ehe 3 Kinder, nämlich
a. Wiebke, b. Johann, 3, Hinrich.
Alt 35 Jahr.
=== My Translation ===
[died] 11 May [1809]; [buried] 16 May. Heinke geb. Greve, wife of Berend Engel, resident of Seeth. Leaves behind 3 legitimate children, namely a. Wiebke,b. Johann, and c. Hinrich. Age at death: 35 yrs.
@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks!
I feel guilty submitting so many questions when I have 99% of a record successfully transcribed, but sometimes the few remaining non-transcribed words can totally change the translation of a record.