Help w/ 1770 Marriage Record - Süderstapel
I think most of my transcription is correct, but please check for accuracy and flesh out details.
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=== My Transcription ===
[married] 12 May [1770]
Der [?] [?] Hinrich Grefe [sic]. Des Hauswirth? Jürgen Grefe aus
Hollingsted? älteste? Sohn und Wiebeke Eggerts, des weiland? Claus
Eggerts aus Seeth [hinterlassen?] Wittwe?
=== My Translation ===
Married 12 May 1770: Hinrich Grefe, oldest son of the tenant Jürgen Grefe of Hollingstedt, and Wiebke Eggerts, the widow of [deceased] Claus Eggerts of Seeth.
Meilleure réponse
Almost perfect, @Robt_Nielsen ! "Der junge Gesell" can have various meanings. Literally it means "the young companion", together in one word ("Junggesell(e)") it now means a bachelor. "Geselle" together with a craft it is used for a journeyman e.g., Tischlergesell(e) = journeyman carpenter. In this case it probably just indicates that Hinrich Grefe was still unmarried.
[married] 12 May [1770]
Der junge Gesell Hinrich Grefe [sic]. Des Hauswirth Jürgen Grefe aus
Hollingsted ältester Sohn und Wiebeke Eggerts, des weiland Claus
Eggerts aus Seeth hinterlassene Wittwe?
=== My Translation ===
Married 12 May 1770: The bachelor/young man Hinrich Grefe, oldest son of the tenant Jürgen Grefe of Hollingstedt, and Wiebke Eggerts, the widow of [deceased] Claus Eggerts of Seeth.
@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks for the help and insight on the meaning of the term I had not seen before.