Translation Please - Max Ferdinand Lidel & Dorothea Gabler marriage record

If possible, I would like a translation of Max Ferdinand Lidel and Dorothea Gabler's marriage record, 3rd down on the right side. Thank you!
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Here my transcription:
Item [Dom. Laetare Ist das erste mahl verkündet worden] der erbare und __? Marx Ferdinand Liedel, Steinmetz, deß erbaren und mannhaften? Jeremias Liedels Seel. hinderlaßener ehelicher Sohn: und die erbare Jungfer Dorothea Gabler, deß erbaren Georg Gablers Seel. geweßten L___s? hinderlaßne eheliche Tochter. cop. _ d. 20. Aprilis von H. M. ____?
and translation:
Likewise [Laetare Sunday the banns have been published for the first time] of the honorable and ___? Marx Ferdinand Liedel, stonemason, surviving legitimate son of the deceased honorable and brave Jeremias Liedel and of the honoirable maiden Dorothea Gabler, surviving legitimate daughter of the deceased honorable Georg Gabler, former ___?. Married on April 20th [1680] by Mr. Magister ___?
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@T.Kobus I hadn't seen Marx as a first name before. In Germany, it is extremely rare at least today. I did a quick internet search and found indeed a note that it developed as a contraction of Marcus ( The name was more apparently more popular a few hundreds years ago.
@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you!
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@Ulrich Neitzel Do you know if the name Marx is another name for Marcus?
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@Ulrich Neitzel I can't find any birth records for him in Ulm. I have only found a birth record for a Marcus Ferdinand Liedel in Schorndorf which is not to far away, and it's the correct birth year and father. It looks like the Schorndorf Marcus had several siblings whose identical names show up later in marriage records in Ulm. Can't conclusively confirm they are the same. However, Marx marriage record in 1680 is the furthest I can go for him or his father Jeremias. I will search Archion also. Thank you for all of your help!