Help w/ 1773 Death Record for my 5th GGF - Süderstapel
As always, the details of a record often make it interesting. Please help flesh out my transcription for this lengthy 1773 record.
Digital image at
=== My Transcription ===
[born] 11 Oct [1773]; [baptized] 17 Oct
Hans Fridrich [sic] Huns [sic]: geboren? 1726 [?] 26 Mart. Sein Vater war Dettleff Fridr.
Huns auf des [Herra? Herrn?] Hallige, und [i_?] von [?] 11 Jahrer? gestorben? Sein
Mutter, Margaretha, [lebe_?] annos? auf des [Herra? Herrn?] Hallige. Ao. [Anno] 1752 [?] 23
Mart. [?] [?] in Südst. [Süderstapel] copulist? mit Jgfr. Anna Margar. Dorothea Meyern, des
verstorbenen Hans Meyers, Besitzers? [?] [Hauberges? Hamburger?] auf der Mildt, Tochter.
Mit derselbe hat [?] 6 Kinder gehabt; Jung? Söhn?, und 3 Töchter. 1) Dettleff,
[?] in Oldenbüttel. 2) Nicol. Hinr. geb. 1765. 3) Simon Adolph, geb.
1768, 4. Cathrina Margaretha, geb. in Tetenbüll 1757 [?] 11 Mart. confirm.
zu Südst. 1773 dom. Palmar. 5) Margaretha; [?] 6. Margar.: [?]
der? 3 Sohn? und [E_?] Tochter? leben [?], und [?] Töchter sind gestorben. Ihr?
ist? all? worden 47 Jahr, 6 Monate, 16 Tagn?. [?] [?] [?] [?] Anna
Margar. Dorothea, u. [und] 4 Kinder. [?] Gestorben zu Seeth in des Hans Stegs
[?] Hause?, [?] sein Bruder? Fridrich Huns [?].
=== My Translation ===
Hans Fridrich [sic] Huns [sic, Honnens], born 26 Mar 1726, son of Dettleff Fridrich Huns [who died 11 years previous?] and Margaretha, died 11 Oct 1773, and was buried 17 Oct. Married Jungfrau Anna Margaretha Dorothea Meyer [daughter of the deceased Hans Meyer of Mildt] on 23 Mar 1752. [With her, he had] six children: 1. Dettleff, [resides?] in Oldenbüttel, 2. Nicolaus Hinrich, born 1765, 3. Simon Adolph, born 1768, 4. Cathrina Margaretha, born 11 Mar 1757 in Tetenbüll, confirmed on Palm Sunday 1773 at Süderstapel, 5. Margaretha [dead?], and 6. Margar. [dead?]. [Hans was] 47 yrs, 6 mths, 16 days old at his death.
Meilleures réponses
You did very well with the transcription and translation! Most of my additions are minor grammatical corrections which require good knowledge of German to do it right. The "d" before a date means "den", cf. in English "on [the]".
My additions in bold:
[died?] 11 Oct [1773]; [buried?] 17 Oct
Hans Fridrich [sic] Huns [sic]: gebohren 1726 d. 26 Mart. Sein Vater war Dettleff Fridr.
Huns auf der Herrn Hallige, und ist vor ohngefehr [ungefähr] 11 Jahren gestorben. Seine
Mutter, Margaretha, lebet annoch auf der Herrn Hallige. Ao. [Anno] 1752 d. 23
Mart. ist er in Südst. [Süderstapel] copuliret mit Jgfr. Anna Margar. Dorothea Meyern, des
verstorbenen Hans Meyers, Besitzers eines Hauberges auf der Mildt, Tochter.
Mit derselben hat er 6 Kinder gehabt; drey Söhne, und 3 Töchter. 1) Dettleff,
dient in Oldenbüttel. 2) Nicol. Hinr. geb. 1765. 3) Simon Adolph, geb.
1768, 4. Cathrina Margaretha, geb. in Tetenbüll 1757 d, 11 Mart. confirm.
zu Südst. 1773 dom. Palmar. 5) Margaretha; ist todt, 6. Margar.: ist auch todt,.
die 3 Söhne und Eine Tochter leben ietzt, und zwey Töchter sind gestorben. Er
ist alt worden 47 Jahr, 6 Monate, 16 Tage. Er hinterläßet die Witwe Anna
Margar. Dorothea, u. [und] 4 Kinder. Ist Gestorben zu Seeth in des Hans Stegs
gewesenem Hause, welches sein Bruder Fridrich Huns gekauft hat.
=== Translation ===
Hans Fridrich [sic] Huns [sic, Honnens], born 26 Mar 1726, son of Dettleff Fridrich Huns on Herrenhallig who died 11 years previous and Margaretha, still living on Herrenhallig, died 11 Oct 1773, and was buried 17 Oct. Married Jungfrau Anna Margaretha Dorothea Meyer, daughter of the deceased Hans Meyer, owner of a Hauberg on the Mildt, on 23 Mar 1752. With her he had six children, three sons and 3 daughters: 1. Dettleff, serves in Oldenbüttel, 2. Nicolaus Hinrich, born 1765, 3. Simon Adolph, born 1768, 4. Cathrina Margaretha, born 11 Mar 1757 in Tetenbüll, confirmed on Palm Sunday 1773 at Süderstapel, 5. Margaretha is dead, and 6. Margar. is also dead. He was 47 yrs, 6 mths, 16 days old at his death. He is survived by the widow Anna Margaretha Dorothea and 4 children. Died in Seeth in the former house of Hans Steg, which his brother Fridrich Huns has bought.
Comment: Hauberg or Haubarg, a type of farmhouse, see
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Question: I did not know "gebohren" was a form of geboren? I thought the letter was an "h", but then assumed no way.
You are correct that the modern spelling is "geboren". In my transcriptions I try to follow the original spelling in the document; in most older documents "gebohren" is used. Other examples of older spellings in this record are "drey" (now "drei") and "todt" (now "tot").
Comment: I wonder whether "Oldenbüttel" actually refers to "Koldenbüttel", which is much closer to Herrenhallig than does Oldenbüttel?
That is correct - and another example of different spelling: the place is written "Coldenbüttel" here. "C" is often used instead of "K" in old documents.
Comment: The record implies his bro. Fridrich was still living at the time of Hans’ death. Would you agree?
Yes, I do.
Hello Rob, the second clip seems to be wrong; it is the birth record of Nicolaus Heinrich Honnen (which is already translated).
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@Ulrich Neitzel Sorry about that. Too many screen clips. Here is the last part of the record.
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks again for your assistance.
Question: I did not know "gebohren" was a form of geboren? I thought the letter was an "h", but then assumed no way.
Comment: I wonder whether "Oldenbüttel" actually refers to "Koldenbüttel", which is much closer to Herrenhallig than does Oldenbüttel?
Comment: The record implies his bro. Fridrich was still living at the time of Hans’ death. Would you agree?
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks for your responses.