Help w/ 1765 Taufen Record - Süderstapel

This Taufen record ties in with the one from 1768 I submitted earlier for help. This is another brother of my 4th GGF. Please help with the transcription.
Digital image from
=== My Transcription ===
[born] 1 Nov [1765], [baptized] 5 Nov
Nicolaus Hinrich: Hans Friedrich Honnens
Proprietair [?] [Mar_?] auf? der Mildt und
[S_?] [Frau_?] Margaretha gebornen? Meyer?
ehel. Sohn. Gev[attern] 1. [?] [Land?oigt] der [Landshatt?]
Stapelholm Nicolaus Hinrich Selcken. 2. Johann
Honnens von Honn?hallig? 3. Margar. [din?s]
des [?] [Joha?] [?] dir [?] in [S_?] [?] frau
=== My Translation ===
Nicolaus Hinrich Honnens, born 1 Nov 1765, baptized 5 Nov, legitimate son of Hans Friedrich Honnens…. of Mildt and [Frau?] Margaretha geb. Meyer. Sponsors: 1. Nicholas Hinrich Selcken, …. of Stapelholm, 2. Johann Honnens… and 3. Margaretha….
Meilleure réponse
my additions in bold:
[born] 1 Nov [1765], [baptized] 5 Nov
Nicolaus Hinrich: Hans Friedrich Honnens
Proprietair eines Marschhofes auf der Mildt und
seiner Frauen Margaretha geborne Meyer
ehel. Sohn. Gev[attern] 1. [?] Landvoigt der Landschaft
Stapelholm Nicolaus Hinrich Selcken. 2. Johann
Honnens von Herrenhallig, 3. Margar. Dirks
des Gastgebers John Wohlert Dirks in Seeht Ehefrau
=== Translation ===
Nicolaus Hinrich Honnens, born 1 Nov 1765, baptized 5 Nov, legitimate son of Hans Friedrich Honnens, owner of a marsh farm on the Mildt and his wife Margaretha née Meyer. Sponsors: 1. Nicholas Hinrich Selcken, "Landvogt" of the region Stapelholm, 2. Johann Honnens of Herrenhallig, and 3. Margaretha Dirks, wife of the innkeeper Johann Wohlert Dirks in Seeth.
Comment: "Landvogt" meant a head of administration (in particular for police and justice) of a larger area ("Landschaft"). The "Landschaft Stapelholm" comprised the parishes of Süderstapel, Bergenhusen and Erfde as well as a part of Herrenhallig (
@Ulrich Neitzel ... That was very helpful. Thank you!