Help w/ 1768 Taufen record - Süderstapel
I believe this is the baptism record the brother of my 4th GGF, that also identifies my 5th GGP. Please help flesh out the details.
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=== My Transcription ===
[born] 31 March [1768], [baptized] 4 April
Simon Adolph Friedrich des [?] [?] [Ha_?]
[?] der Mildt Hans Friedrich Honnens und [?]
[Frau_?] Margaretha gebornen Meyer? eheliche Sohn. Gev[attern]
1. Der [?] Baron? Simon Adolph von? [S_?] in Schleswig?
2. Detlef? Friedrich Honnens des [Haus_?] [d_?] Friedrich
Honnens aus [?] Sohn. 3. _B_ Anna Catharina Ham-
burger des [Haus_?] Christian Hamburger in Damke [?]
=== My Translation ===
Simon Adolph Friedrich Honnens, born 31 March 1768, baptized 4 April; legitimate son of Hans Friedrich Honnens and [Frauke? or Frau?] Margaretha geb. Meyer? Sponsors: 1. Baron? Simon Adolph von [S_?] of Schleswig?; 2. Detlef? Friedrich Honnens, ?son of Friedrich Honnens?; 3. Anna Catharina Hamburger, ?wife of? Christian Hamburger …?…
Meilleure réponse
my additions in bold:
[born] 31 March [1768], [baptized] 4 April
Simon Adolph Friedrich des Besitzers eines Hofes
auf der Mildt Hans Friedrich Honnens und seiner
Frauen Margaretha gebornen Meyern eheleibl.[icher] Sohn. Gev[attern]
1. Der H.[err] Baron Simon Adolph von Spörcken in Schleswig
2. Detlef Friedrich Honnens des Hauswirths Detlef Friedrich
Honnens aus Herrenhallig Sohn. u. 3. Anna Catharina Ham-
burger des Hausw.[irths] Christian Hamburger in Damke Ehefrau.
=== Translation ===
Simon Adolph Friedrich Honnens, born 31 March 1768, baptized 4 April; legitimate son of Hans Friedrich Honnens, farm owner on the Mildt, and his wife Margaretha geb. Meyer. Sponsors: 1. Baron Simon Adolph von Spörcken in Schleswig; 2. Detlef Friedrich Honnens, son of the tenant Detlef Friedrich Honnens in Herrenhallig; and 3. Anna Catharina Hamburger, wife of the tenant Christian Hamburger in Damke.
My comments: The Mildt (or Mildterkoog is the area between Friedrichstadt and Seeth that was diked around 1550 and reclaimed as land after storm surges. Honnenshof and Herrenhallig can be seen to the north of river Treene on the map in Meyers ( I couldn't find Damke.
@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks again for the insightful help!