1770 Taufen Record - Süderstapel, Hilfe bitte
This record is particularly difficult for me to discern the handwriting. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Digital image at Archion.de...
=== My Transcription ===
[born] 22 [Jan 1770], [baptized] 24 [Jan]
Berendt, des [?] [?] in Seeth? Johann Engel [Wittwer?]
[Elisabeth?] [geboren?] Jürgens [ehelich?] Sohn. Gev[attern] 1. des [?]
Peter [Friedr?] [?] Sohn, Peter [Friedr?], 2. [G??] [El??] des
[weiland?] [?] [?] Peter [Classen?] [oder?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]
Peter, Sohn und? 3. Anna Engel? des [?] [?] Engel?
Frau. Alles in Seeth.
=== My Translation ===
Berendt Engel, born 22 Jan 1770, baptized 24 Jan, legitimate son of Johann Engel and Elisabeth (Jürgens). Sponsors: 1. Peter Friedr, son of Peter Friedr [?], 2. ??? and 3. Frau Anna Engel. All resided in Seeth.
Meilleure réponse
[born] 22 [Jan 1770], [baptized] 24 [Jan]
Berendt, des weil[and] Hauswirth in Seeth? Johann Engel Wittwe
___? geborene Jürgens eheleibl. Sohn. Gev[attern] 1. des weiland
Peter Friedr[ich] Detlofs Sohn, Peter Friedr[ich], 2. [G??] Claßen des
weiland Hauswirth Peter Claßen oder wie er sich schrieb Baulers?
Peter, Sohn und 3. Anna Engel des Hausw[irth] Berend Engel
Frau. Alle in Seeth.
Berendt, born 22 Jan 1770, baptized 24 Jan, legitimate son of the late tenant Johann Engel [and his] widow ___? née Jürgens. Sponsors: 1. Peter Friedr[ich] son of Peter Friedr[ich] Detlof, 2. G__? Classen, son of the late tenant Peter Classen or as he called himself Baulers? Peter, and 3. Anna Engel, wife of the tenant Berend Engel. All resided in Seeth.
Comment: I can't read the first name of Johann Engel's widow; it seems not to be Elisabeth. I read the first name of the second sponsor as "Gusche", but such a name seems not to exist.
Hauswirth is usually a farmer on leased land.
@Ulrich Neitzel ... THANK YOU for this help. The fact that his father was identified as "the late tenant" provides more circumstantial evidence that the previous death record you helped me with for "Johann Engel", died July 1769, indeed is the father of Berendt.