Death record for 3rd GGM in Süderstapel parish - 1852
Please help with the questionable words in this death record for my 3rd GGM in Seeth.
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=== My Transcription ===
[died] 7 Mai [1852], [buried] 13 Mai
Wiebke, [?] des Jürgen Volkerts im
Seeth, geb. Odesey [?] [?] [?]
mit Johann Jons im [Seeth?] [leben?] [drei?]
kinder: 1. Heldt? Hinrich, [?] im
hufner?; 2. [?] Jurgen Jons und? 3.
Peter [?] [?] in [?]. [?] [?]
[?] [?] leben zwei kinder: 1. Johann,
[?] in [Seeth?] und 2. Fraucke. Alt.
70 Jahr
=== My Translation ===
Wiebke (Odesey), wife of Jürgen Volkerts of Seeth, died on 7 May 1852 at the age of 70 years, was buried on 13 May. [Previously married to?] Johann Jons of [Seeth?] and has three living children by that marriage: 1. Heldt? Hinrich, 2. Jurgen Jons, and 3. Peter. [Of her marriage to Jürgen Volkerts] has two living children: 1. Johann of [Seeth?] and 2. Fraucke.
Meilleures réponses
Wiebke widow of Jürgen VOLKERTS, nee ODESEY or ODEFEY in Seeth, died on the 7 May 1852 and was buried on the 13 May 1852. From her first marriage with Johan JONS in Seeth three children are alive 1. Hinrich HELDT residing in Husum, 2. Vogt? Jürgen JONS and 3. Peter ODEFEY or ODESEY both reside in Seeth. From the last marriage, two children are alive 1. Johann resides In Seeth and 2. Frauke She was 70 years old.
I would need to see the entire page and hopefully it will show another "s" or "f" to verify the surname of Wiebke. Also, her first child seems to be illegitimate since the last name is the maiden name of the mother, however, Johan JONS could have been his father???
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My additions in bold:
[died] 7 Mai [1852], [buried] 13 Mai
Wiebke, Wittwe des Jürgen Volkerts in
Seeth, geb. Odefey aus der ersten Ehe
mit Johann Jöns in Seeth leben drei
Kinder: 1. Heldt Hinrich, wohnhaft in
Husum; 2. Vogt Jurgen Jöns und 3.
Peter Odefey, beide in Seeth. Aus der
letzten Ehe leben zwei kinder: 1. Johann,
wohnhaft in Seeth und 2. Fraucke. Alt
70 Jahr.
@Marion Wolfert ... Thanks for your help with the translation. Regarding your speculation with the names of the children from the first marriage, I will pursue my search for their respective Taufen records and see what I can determine.
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Thanks for your help!