Death record for 2nd GGF in Süderstapel parish - 1901
Please help with the details of this death record for my 2nd GGF in Seeth, Germany in 1901.
Digital death record begins on Image #71 at
=== My Transcription ===
[died] 19 Aug [1901], [buried] 23 Aug], [age at death] 83 Jahre 11 Mon 24 T
Johann Volkerts, ehel. sohn der [?] [?]
Jürgen Volkerts in Seeth und Wiebke geb. Ode-
sey; geboren d. 26 Aug. 1817 in Seeth, [?]
[?] 1) mit Maria geb. Muhl, mit [?] [?]
[?] 1) Wiebke [?] Jöns? in Seeth, 2) Hin-
rich Volkerts, Seeth, 3) Jürgen Volkerts… [next page]
und 2) [married?] 3 April 1853 mit? der? am 13 Nov.
1880 [?] Catharina Margaretha geb.
Honnens, [?] [?] [?] [?] : 1) Catharina
Volkerts in Amerika, 2) Anna Volkerts, 3) Johann
Volkerts in Seeth, 4) Heinrich Volkerts in Seeth,
5) Emilie Volkerts in Amerika
[followed by 6 more lines of text]
=== My Translation ===
Johann Volkerts, aged 83 yr 11 mth 24 days, died 19 Aug 1901, was buried 23 Aug. Legitimate son of Jürgen Volkerts of Seeth and Wiebke (Odesey). Johann was born 26 Aug 1817 in Seeth. He married 1) Maria Muhl and had 3 children with her: 1) Wiebke [married name?] in Seeth, 2) Hinrich of Seeth, and 3) Jürgen. He married 2) Catharina Margaretha Honnens on 3 Apr 1853 (she died 13 Nov 1880) and they had 5 children: 1) Catharina Volkerts of America, 2) Anna Volkerts, 3) Johann Volkerts of Seeth, 4) Heinrichs Volkerts of Seeth, and 5) Emilie Volkerts of America [my great-grandmother].
Meilleures réponses
Well done, Rob! Below my additions in bold:
[died] 19 Aug [1901], [buried] 23 Aug], [age at death] 83 Jahre 11 Mon 24 T
Johann Volkerts, ehel. Sohn der weiland Eheleute
Jürgen Volkerts in Seeth und Wiebke geb. Ode-
fey; geboren d. 26 Aug. 1817 in Seeth, verheiratet
gewesen 1) mit Maria geb. Muhl, aus welcher Ehe
leben 1) Wiebke verh. Jöns in Seeth, 2) Hin-
rich Volkerts, Seeth, 3) Jürgen Volkerts… [next page]
und 2) seit d. 3 April 1853 mit der am 13 Nov.
1880 verstorbenen Catharina Margaretha geb.
Honnens, aus welcher Ehe leben: 1) Catharina
Volkerts in Amerika, 2) Anna Volkerts, 3) Johann
Volkerts in Seeth, 4) Heinrich Volkerts in Seeth,
5) Emilie Volkerts in Amerika
Sterbeurkunde 36 d. d. Süderstapel d. 19 Aug. 1901.
von der Lieth.
Alter Kirchhof N. 13,2,1.
Rede am Grab.
Erlaubnis zur Beerdigung auf d. alten Kirchhof d.d. Schleswig d. 7 Maerz 1892 Ziese Pr.
Johann Volkerts, aged 83 yr 11 mth 24 days, died 19 Aug 1901, was buried 23 Aug. Legitimate son of the deceased couple Jürgen Volkerts of Seeth and Wiebke (Odefey). Johann was born 26 Aug 1817 in Seeth. He had been married 1) with Maria Muhl and had 3 children with her: 1) Wiebke [married] Jöns in Seeth, 2) Hinrich of Seeth, and 3) Jürgen. He married 2) Catharina Margaretha Honnens on 3 Apr 1853 (she died 13 Nov 1880), from which marriage 5 children are alive: 1) Catharina Volkerts of America, 2) Anna Volkerts, 3) Johann Volkerts of Seeth, 4) Heinrichs Volkerts of Seeth, and 5) Emilie Volkerts of America [my great-grandmother].
Death certificate No. 36 of Südestapel of 19 Aug 1901
von der Lieth [probably name of the registrar]
Old churchyard No. 13,2,1 [probably location of the grave]
Speech at the grave.
Permission for burial in the old churchyard Schleswig d. 7 March 1892
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Thank you, @Ulrich Neitzel !
I've learned from you and others that it helps to try transcribing the German first, then translate it. I still struggle with much of the handwriting.