Translation help for one word
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Wahlen kinder...
Johannes Grein des Johann Henerich allhiesigen Haÿm=
berger eheleiblicher Sohn 14 Jahr"
My translation: 1769, children of Wahlen, Johann Grein, legitimate son of Johann Henerich[sic] Grein of here,
[Haÿmberger], 14 years old.
I've looked in Thode's Dictionary under both Haimberger and Haÿmberger, I'm assuming this is an occupation. I've checked multiple online lists of german occupations. I've used and typed Ha*berger and Ha*burger. Any help is appreciated.
The record is from Wahlen, Alsfeld, Hessen, Evangelische Kirche, Konfirmation 1765-1792, FHL DGS 102102838, image no. 822. Link:
Hello Kimball,
Have you considered "Heimberger"? See Thode, page 107, and Wörterbuchnetz, which has four examples.
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Ah! Thank you Robert!
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You're welcome, Kimball.