Thomas Nuchtern spon 7 Nov 1752 film 102078348 page 388
Translation request:
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Hello @Kent Gardiner,
Note: Did you notice that one of Thode's definition for "Beisitzer" (on page 27) is: inhabitant without land [and] citizenship rights? Because we know from other records that Thomas Nichtern was a non-citizen resident, that is how I am translating "Beÿsi(t)zer" after his name in this record.
Translation: On the 7th of November 1752, a little daughter of Martin Wenz, citizen and mason, from his wife Eva Catharina, née Crunemeÿerin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Eva Catharina. Baptismal sponsors are Christoph Becker, citizen and farmer, [and] Thomas Nichtern, non-citizen resident, with their wives.
Robert Seal_1 Beÿsi(t)zer is totally correct. It is interesting to me is that despite being a non-resident (meaning he didn't own property or have the money to do so) Thomas so well thought of. Why? Because I found 14 times where Thomas was a baptismal sponsor. Every couple of pages here he is again sponsoring children. It is an honor to be mentioned with the birth of your precious children. I am gaining new respect for Thomas and look forward to the other times he is mentioned as a sponsor. Thanks Robert!!!!! KG
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You're welcome, Kent.