Beck Pastor 2nd entry 8 August 1754 fim 102078348 page 393
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Hello @Kent Gardiner,
[On the] 8th of August 1754, a little son of Mr.? Friedr[ich] Wilhelm Raicher, juryman and "Baader", from his wife Margretha Barbara, née Waidmännin, was born to the world, so thereafter was baptized and was named Johann Christoph. Baptismal sponsors are myself Franz Chr. Heinr[ich] Beck, pastor of this place, with my wife Margretha Barbara, and Jaccob [sic] Friedr[ich] Negelin, citizen, innkeeper of the Crown Tavern, and butcher, with his wife Maria Jacobina.
Right margin: + [died].
Robert Seal_1 Robert, This document is absolutely filled with great information! Thanks!! The more I learn the more I am convinced there was a group of people who really liked and supported each other. Georg Scholl who lived from1748 also had Friedrich Negelin as his baptismal sponsor in many of his children's births. I am finding that the Scholl sponsors, so far, are all related to my line. This is a big discovery because I thought there would be two or three lines coming down from the early 1600s. Apparently not the case, at least, so far. You are the best, Kent