What does it say about this Marie Elizabeth’s father on her death record?
I’m having a difficult time reading this record. This is from Wangeritz. The entry is the third from the bottom. I am looking for extra details to separate these families into their proper places since names were very common. It looks like “Christ: Schwartz’ daughter” on the second line. Does it say anything about that Christian’s occupation?
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Hello @ChristinaW8
the text is:
den xx Januari 1757 ist Marie Elisabeth Schwartzen des Bauern Christ. Schwartzens älteste Tochter im 13ten Jahr ihres Alters an den Masern selig verschieden
On xx January 1757 Marie Elisabeth Schwartz, eldest daughter of the farmer Christian Schwartz, died blessedly of measles in the 13th year of her age
Thank you so much! This one is not my ancestor then.
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